HELP!!! We have an emergency foster need for Daisy. Daisy and her siblings were originally from the shelter. The foster family decided to adopt her as a young pup, but now cannot keep her due to a family situation. This is urgent! We do not have any room in any of our foster homes and don't want Daisy to end up at a shelter. PLEASE someone take her in for a little while. Daisy gets along well with other dogs, is crate and house-trained, good with children, active and playful, etc. She is about 10 months old and weighs 45 pounds. Daisy is a great family dog! Please call Allison at 901-240-9848 or Lisa at 901-826-0292 if you can help!

On October 11th, 2 wonderful rescue volunteers from Wisconsin, Nicole and Tim, drove all the way here to save 17 more dogs and puppies! Nicole is the co-founder for the rescue group who is saving so many of our precious lives and Tim is her very understanding hubby (and wonderful helper as well)! Emma, Ella, Zoey and her 4 puppies, Ed, Wolfie, and Scooter were just a few of the lucky ones (pictured below). 7 of the dogs/puppies have already been adopted and some have adoptions pending!
A couple of weeks ago Emily found her way HOME (sorry one of our volunteer's computers has been broken and has been unable to update until now)! Emily has found her new family thanks to Kim and Terry. The couple drove to Sikeston, MO with their grandson, Parker, to meet one of our volunteers. Emily (now Gracie) now lives in Granite City, IL with 2 other canine Dachshund friends (Ginger and Georgia). We are so happy for her to have found such a wonderful home!

It seems as if we are always begging...but with the number of dogs coming through our doors right now, we have nothing left to do but beg!
In addition to dog houses, we are currently in need of a few outdoor dog pens. The least expensive option we have found is the PETSAFE Kennel at Tractor Supply.
Please consider donating towards a kennel to help us save dogs in need. The difference a kennel can make to our rescue is life or death for a dog.
If you have an outdoor kennel hanging around that is not being used - please contact Allison at 901-240-9848 to arrange an in-kind donation.
Thank you for caring!
Although we always try to find indoor foster homes for our rescue dogs, as we feel strongly that dogs belong inside the home as part of the family - there are many times where we have more dogs than available foster homes. In this instance, we have no choice but to house some of our pups outside temporarily until an indoor foster home opens up.Winter is on its way at a rapid pace, and we are trying to prepare for the emergency intakes that come to us on a daily basis. We are in urgent need of quality dog houses right now - at least five - in order to keep our rescues warm and dry while they are in limbo. We prefer the Petmate Igloo style dog houses but would also be happy to have a few lightweight insulated models.Our goal is to raise $500 towards dog houses - estimating 5 dog houses at $100 each. We would greatly appreciate either financial donations towards this goal, or physical donations of dog houses in new/good condition.If you would like to donate a dog house to keep our rescued pups warm and dry, please call Lisa at 901-826-0292 or email - or sponsor a dog house through the chipin fundraiser.
Here we are- begging for foster homes again!
We have four sweet puppies (12 weeks old) that are in need of short term (3 weeks)INDOOR foster homes. These pups have a rescue to go to - but they need some loving, feeding and individual care before they go to rescue. They are very thin and need a few loving souls to fatten them up! Look at these cuties - how can you resist?
If you have love in your heart and room in your home to help the pups out for a few weeks, please email: or call Lisa, 901-826-0292.
Thank you for caring!


Poor Cajun cannot catch a break. This sweet boy came to us over a year ago...He was traveling with his owner who was on vacation from Minnesota. There was a car crash, and when the police arrived - they found that Cajun's owner had warrants out, so they took him to jail and Cajun to doggie jail (our shelter). Well - Cajun's Dad was supposed to come pick up Cajun when he was released from jail - but he never showed. He went on his way home and left Cajun in a shelter. That does not seem quite fair - does it? Of course, Cajun tested positive for heartworm - and a wonderful doggie angel donated towards his treatment - but we never were able to find Cajun an indoor foster home to undergo he has been living outside in the country with some of our other pups, waiting for someone to foster him through treatment.A few weeks ago - Cajun's foster family noticed he was limping...a trip to the vet revealed cancer in his front leg. Now this sweet boy has had his leg amputated to stop the spread of the cancer and is recovering at the vet's office. CAJUN NEEDS AN INDOOR FOSTER HOME RIGHT NOW. Please help him. He cannot go recover living outside from a surgery like this one. Additionally - he still needs to undergo heartworm treatment. Cajun may not be the most handsome dog - but he is such a sweetheart. He does not cause any trouble at all. All he needs is a soft bed and a quiet foster home. He has so much love to give. He has been sharing a pen with two female dogs and a younger male dog - but is not able to be in a high activity home right now.If you have room in your heart and home for Cajun - please contact Lisa - 901-826-0292, or email -

Unable to adopt
or foster? Click the button below to sponsor
me via PayPal.

Meet Chloe & Mandy...two young girls who we believe to be sisters ... that need your help!
Chloe and Mandy showed up as strays at a woman's house. Two more throw away dogs. The woman who found them called us for help - how could we turn away these two beautiful, happy girls?
Chloe immediately gave birth to a litter of puppies. Mandy followed with her litter - shortly thereafter...two, young sisters are mothers together...They have both been good mommas, nursing and keeping their puppies clean.
Luckily, a rescue group has stepped up to take the pups once they are old enough...but we need your help in order to get Chloe and Mandy onto the new lives they both deserve.
Unfortunately, both Chloe and Mandy have tested postive for Heartworm (these two seem to do everything together). Estimated treatment costs are $300/dog. We have raised $120 so far - but need $480 more to treat them.
We cannot send them to rescue until they have undergone treatment. Please consider donating $5.00, $10.00 or $20.00 towards their treatment.
Thank you for caring!