More of our pups headed off to rescue yesterday - thanks to the wonderful service provided by Pam & Kyle Peterson - Without transporters like them - so many pups would be left without a chance at a new beginning.On their way to freedom and loving homes this week were 4 puppies (Toby, Tommy, Tanner & Tracie) and 3 adult dogs including Smiley - who has been stuck in boarding alongside Bruno for way too many months to count - a gorgeous Black Lab named Scooter who was an owner surrender, and a mixed breed pup named Gage who came to us after being runover by a car.
Smiley headed for rescue after an eternity in boarding!

Yey - I am out of my cage and on my way to a new home!

Sweet Scooter on his way to a new beginning - he sure looks happy!

Gage - what a cutie! He is going to make someone a great companion!

I am so cute!
A big "thank you" to Leanne for running around like a crazy person to get these guys ready for and onto transport. You are the best!