"Wanted to let you all know that Polly is my favorite dog EVER. My parents, my neighbors, my horses - we all adore her. She has NO bad habits, and has come completely out of her shell. She greets all people (except some large men) with a wagging tail that moves her wholebody, and when she sees someone she REALLY likes (like me), she walks around on her hind legs like a circus dog for extra attention. She pounces on her toys like a cat, and when she meets other dogs in the woods, she springs high in the air like a kangaroo, which makes all the humans laugh. We are out in the fields and woods several times a day, andshe is seldom more than 50 yards from me. When I whistle, she comes running. She is a fabulous animal. It's hard for us to believe that she was in danger of being euthanized. Thank you for rescuing her, and taking care of her until I could come along to take over. Happy Holidays to your family, Lisa, and to Cissy's (Polly's foster home)"
Laurel (Cape Elizabeth , ME)
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