Although they came to us at different times - we know that Lindy and Lonnie came from the same "home" and are most likely brother and sister. Both landed at our shelter last summer. The owners did not reclaim them, which was okay with us - as we knew they were living outside without proper care.
From there - these two were bounced around. First they sat in the shelter for months...then when the sheter was full, a local rescue group stepped up to help. Unfortunately, the rescue group closed down due to housing issues, so Lindy and Lonnie were returned to us again.
They went back to the shelter - Then Lonnie was stolen one night by some teens who crawled through the doggie doors. It took us months - but we found Lonnie again and brought him back to safety. From there they went onto boarding...
Finally, these two found a proper foster home with Jennifer and John, where they have lived happily since February 2009. Now their foster parents are losing their home...which leaves Lindy and Lonnie homeless again.
PLEASE consider opening up your heart and home to foster one of these sibblings. They have been through so much and ask for so little. They do not have to go together, but they do need to be safe and loved. If you can help - please contact Joan at 870-739-1145, or email, for a foster application.

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