Ivy before rescue
While we are on the topic of miraculous recoveries - here is the latest update on Ivy from her adoptive family. We just cannot believe these pictures - especially knowing how badly injured Ivy's legs were when she came to us.
We have been experimenting with her off leash in our yard. Of course, she often wanders to a neighbor's yard or chases down a cat or critter, but for the most part she stays around. We shake a can of treats and she comes running! We've also left her in the house for a couple of hours here and there. She stays in the mud room if it's longer. She seems okay. Just a chewed on a guitar pick, is all we've noticed.
She doesn't like the rain or the heat, so it's tough getting her outside under those conditions. But we try to play inside when it rains. She'd just as soon sleep when its above 75! She's definitely an early to bed, early to rise dog. She's down for the count around 8:00 pm and up for the day around 5:30 am. She's getting us up later in the am, though and she's good about going back to her bed when we're not quite ready. She sleeps in Megan's room.
That's all for now!
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