Percy is a sweet Cattle Dog/Kelpie mix that was found out in the country by a good samaritan. He was starving and suffering from some type of injury - perhaps car related - he could barely walk. When found, Percy was propping himself up by leaning against a fence. He was unable to support himself without it.
The woman who found him began feeding him to see if he would bounce back and called us about a week later, when it appeared that Percy was feeling a little better. Percy has a lot if medical issues that need to be investigated and addressed.
He appears to have a significant visual deficit perhaps caused by a head injury; he has evidence of a head injury based on the old scar/missing hair on forehead; broken pelvis; a bullet in his jaw (old injury) and a pellet in his hip (old injury) and we're not sure what else. Basically the poor dog has survived quite a bit.
After a series of x-rays - the vet felt that the most immediate need for Percy was FHO surgery (Femoral Head Ostectomy) on one of his legs - as he appeared to be in a lot of pain. That surgery was completed successfully on Thursday - Percy is recovering nicely.
So far - Percy's medical expenses are up to $410.00. We have received a $100 donation from his rescuer - which went towards the femural head surgery - but still have $310.00 to pay off. Please consider donating to Percy's medical expenses.
Additionally - Percy is Heartworm positive - and will need to be treated once he has recovered from his leg surgery and neuter (this will likely run around $180) .
Percy gets around well and is now beginning to play (well at least he tries to "herd" his foster parents and bite their pants!). He prances and will even come "running" when you call his name (obviously he cannot run while in recovery). He deserves a chance. Please help us to help him!

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