Linda- what can we probably know the roads here with your eyes closed bu now (Beth- we missed you this time!). Much gratitude for driving down to St. Louis to pick up these cuties. Thanks to Kelly for meeting our volunteer to transport these guys/gals back to St. Louis (you too always seem to come through for us). Thanks Emily, Nicole, Amy, Beth, Natalie, Corey, Judy, and Donna for all of your efforts in helping us- what a great partnership we have formed! We know that taking in 18 dogs in the last few weeks was not in "the plans", but you came through again when it really counted. You guys are awesome...seriously! We look forward to hearing updates on all of our babies!
Last, but not least...thank you to our FABULOUS foster parents who literally saved these lives by taking them in temporarily when no one else would. Teresa, Vicki and family, and Marguerite...we could not do this without you! We sincerely appreciate those of you who have made monetary donations and/or offered to help in other ways.
If anyone would like to save a dog by fostering one temporarily, please call Allison at 901-240-9848 or Lisa at 901-826-0292. We apologize for the quality of some of these pictures- our volunteer's camera is broken and had to use a not-so-great one in the meantime.

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