Saturday, March 27, 2010


"A" Pup - Angela

We recently took in a litter of 7 puppies now known as the "A" puppies, that had been abandoned in a woman's yard.

These poor pups came to us malnourished, full or parasites and unvaccinated. Answering the plea for help - PAWS volunteers, Lisa and Leanne took the pups home - de-wormed, vaccinated and put these pups on a high-quality diet to get them going in the right direction.

They also found a rescue willing to take the whole litter once they were healthy and had a few more rounds of puppy shots. Things were looking up for these abandoned pups!

Thursday night one of the seven puppies was lethargic and in severe respiratory distress. Lisa and Leanne took the pup to the vet where it received fluids and antibiotics. Unfortunately, the little pup was too far gone and died in Lisa's arms on Friday morning.

Only one of the remaining six puppies showed signs of illness - but a few more were exhibiting loose stools - so Lisa and Leanne took all six to the vet yesterday where they all tested positive for the deadly Parvo virus. The vet kept all of the pups at the clinic and started treatment immediately.

We received news this morning that another one of the pups died overnight. This is heartbreaking news for us.

The good news is the remaining five "A" pups are showing signs of recovery - they were making noise and wagging their tails this morning!

The surviving pups have to spend 5 days at the vet clinic at the cost of $45 per pup per day. That comes out to be $225/per day for the remaining pups or a total of $1125!

We just do not have the funds to cover that expense. We urgently need your help in covering the medical expenses to save the remaining 5 "A" puppies. Please help by donating to their care today! These puppies deserve a chance at a new beginning.

Donations via mail can be sent to:
People for Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
P.O. Box 584
Marion, AR 72364

"A" Pup - Aaron

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