Our heroes
You all may remember us begging and pleading for foster homes last week for three litters of abandoned puppies - living outside in this heat.
Despite our numerous pleas - intially we only received one response (for which we are very grateful). Unfortunately, that person could only take 2-3 puppies - which meant splitting a litter and choosing which sibblings got to go inside and live in air conditioning and which sibblings remained in 105+ heat. There was no way for us to choose.
We were all starting to become depressed - wasn't there anyone out there that would open their home to these innocent babies before it was too late? The news stories of humans collapsing and dying from heat exhaustion only made us worry more.
Finally - on Saturday came the following email from Joyce and Bill - our heroes!
We would love to help foster you puppies so that they could stay out of this horrible heat. You may contact me anytime. Please let us know how we can help.
After reading this email -it was hard not to cry tears of joy!
We called Joyce and Bill immediately. They told us that they had a den that was being used for storage - that could be transitioned into a puppy room!
On Sunday - PAWS volunteers, Lisa and Leanne - delivered the "S" pups to their new, indoor foster home. As you can tell from these pictures - these pups are more than grateful to be inside and cool - finally!

Thank you Bill & Joyce!

We love it inside!
Joyce stated that she almost did not inquire as she figured by now people must have stepped up to help. Thank goodness she inquired anyways.
Joyce and Bill are heroes. Because of them - these puppies will be able to move onto rescue and then the loving homes they deserve! We cannot say "thank you" enough.
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