I am not dangerous...I promise:)
Last Tuesday, the Marion City Council met again to discuss the breed-specific changes to the existing "Dangerous Dog" ordinance. Once again - ONLY ONE CONCERNED CITIZEN attended the meeting to speak up on behalf of the dogs.
This is a very poor showing for an ordinance that will negatively impact MANY dog owners in Marion and possibly beyond.
We know the holidays are upon is and that everyone is busy - but if this passes as is - there is no going back.
It is critical that dog owners and lovers get voice their opinions on these changes before it is too late.
These are some of the changes proposed that will be implemented for Bully breeds in Marion even if:
-- they are well-trained,
-- well-behaved,
-- friendly,
-- service dogs,
-- therapy dogs,
-- never done anything more than give lots of big kisses and butt wiggles,
-- beloved members of your family,
-- not actually a Bully breed at all but could be mistaken for one depending on the knowledge of the person looking at your dog...
If this ordinance is passed with the breed specific language intact - you as a dog owner may be required to:
-- Build a fenced enclosure for your dog
-- Muzzle your dog at all times when out in public
-- Post "Beware of dog" signs on your property
-- Not let anyone under the age of 14 handle the dog (including your own children)
-- Hold a liability insurance policy of $100,000
-- Must report to the authorities if your dog dies, moves to a new location or reproduces.
Does that seem like a fair way to treat responsible dog owners that have non-aggressive, non-dangerous dogs? Should responsible dog owners and their dogs be held to the same restrictions as irresponsible dog owners that have not cared for, socialized or trained their dogs?
If you think this does not concern you as a dog owner because you do not own a bully breed - please take the following test and see if you can identify which dog is the Pit Bull terrier (keep in mind that this proposed ordinance is not specific to Pit Bull Terriers - but includes other "Bully" breeds as well - "American Staffordshire Terriers," "Staffies, '' etc ...)
Then think about how well trained the authorities are, who will be enforcing these restrictions, at breed identification.
Additionally - once this door is open - it will be easy to add more breeds to the list as incidents of aggression occur in the community.
Mayor Fogelman and City Attorney, Jimbo Hale are ready to vote on this ordinance without changing any of the language - unless they hear some significant feedback from you - their constituents. If it was not for one intelligent councilman who insisted on due process - this ordinance would have been voted on this past meeting.
As it stands now - the next city council meeting is at 7:00p on January 25, 2011. PLEASE attend and let your voice be heard before it is too late. The December meeting is canceled unless something critical occurs.
Stand up! Tell the Mayor and the City Council that breed-specific restrictions are unacceptable. They need to punish the deed - not the breed.

Please do not muzzle me or take me away from my sleeping buddy!