Whitey - now "Gus" - living large!
The holidays bring us many happy updates on our previous residents. This particular update just warms our hearts and souls.
Whitey sat in boarding for almost a year...as nobody answered our pleas for help and step up to foster him. We thought he would never find his way to a new beginning...and look at him now!
Please enjoy this wonderful happy ending for Whitey (now named Gus). Yet another Bully saved and living happily ever after as a beloved family member.
I am sorry it has taken me so long to write and update on Gus. He is wonderful, makes us laugh everyday, and has provided our other pit bull, Lilly, with a best friend.
As winter has approached, we have found that Gus has a love for wood stoves, as he and the other dogs spend most of the day laying in front of the fire snoozing.
That being said, Gus is always up for a good romp outside with Lilly, where they run around like crazy dogs and wrestle until Gus is tired and ready to get back to the heat!
He is truly a love and loves being around us people- he has established himself as part of the family and we adore him. He has been super respectful of the rules in the house until yesterday when I went into our bedroom to find him laying on our bed, head on the pillow, and only looked up for a moment as if to say, "oh hey, welcome home". What a devil!
We are also working with him on leash manners, and he is getting better, sloooooooooowly :-) Gus has also graduated out of the crate, and only rarely goes in when everyone needs a "time out".
If both Chris and I have to work, he now stays out with the other dogs and gets to enjoy sleeping in front of the wood stove all day. Also- just to let you know, we are expecting a baby due March 1, so we will see how all the pups react when we bring home their first human sibling! (We have our little nieces over often, and all the dogs are great with them, so we aren't too worried).
Hopefully Gus will enjoy getting to grow old with a human pal that I'm sure will adore him as much as we do already!
Keep up the great work, happy holidays, and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Quinn and Chris
Gus and his family:)
Lucy & Gus soaking up some sun
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