One of the "Shed Puppies" in need of foster
Despite our begging - still nobody has stepped up to foster any of the 19 puppies that are in dire need of a place to go.
Last Thursday - PAWS volunteers went to check on the puppies that were living under the shed because of the storm. When they arrived - they discovered that the puppies were starting to walk and explore. One had already been hit by a car as a result. Another had been taken by a neighborhood man.
As result - it seemed urgent to relocate the remaining 5-6 week pups to keep them safe.
Fortunately - you can always count on relatives when no one else has your back! "Uncle Joe" kindly offered to take in this litter temporarily until longer term foster homes step up.
The bad news is that these tiny puppies, now although safe from road traffic, are living outside in the heat and the weather. We URGENTLY need some indoor puppy fosters!
There is still another litter of 7 pups (hopefully it is still 7) living in dangerous conditions that is also need.
Look at these cute faces! Don't you want to help them find their way to a new beginning?

In addition to foster homes - we also need help with their vet funds. Barring any medical emergencies, the cost of 2-3 rounds of vaccinations, de-worming and spaying/neutering 19 pups will be upwards of $2000. We need your help!
Please consider fostering and/or sponsoring one of these 19 puppies!
A BIG "thank you" to Cissy, Reed and Emma - for helping us catch the puppies.
Uncle Joe - it goes without saying that you are our hero.
Thank you for helping us to help them!
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