Some of you have been following Brady's story. His is a true example of a happy ending.
Here is the latest update from Brady's adoptive mom:
I wanted to let you know that Brady is doing excellent! He just graduated from basic obedience training on Monday (1/25) and we have enrolled into the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program and hopefully within seven weeks he will be certified! He is such a great learner, very hard headed but I just keep after him and he is willing to please.
After the CGC I am going to put him into clicker training and then I think we'll try an intro to agility class, if he likes it we will move on to more advanced agility courses.
There were about 15 other dogs in the basic class, Brady was in heaven and just wanted to be best friends with each one of them. The trainers are wonderful and everyone just loves him, it's hard not to!
He is the talk of our building. People are amazed at what he went through but how nice of a dog he is. He is definitely helping spread a good word about mistreated dogs, specially being a Pit Bulls.
He is one of the funniest dogs I've met, he LOVES the snow. He was ecstatic the first time it snowed, he could have played out there for hours upon hours. When we take our walks he finds the nearest snow bank and bounds through it like a bunny it's hysterical.
He also is great at finding huge sticks, some times more like logs, and will carry them the whole time we are on the walk. I always leave it out side the door where we live and he finds it every time we go back out, wicked cute.
He also is such a snorer, which I find adorable and he has so much personality, like how his tail wags in a circle!
He is finally starting to leave our cat alone, I think it took so long because she would antagonize him all day and run away and hiss at him. The training has really taught us how to keep him from chasing her.
He's gotten pretty big, I need to weigh him again but we're estimating 65lbs + (still thinks he is a lap dog though). If Bill and I are sitting on the couch he will find a way to squeeze in between us, maybe not squeeze but more or less push us out of the way.
Christmas was a riot with him! We got him five or six new toys and I had him "unwrap" one at a time. So, I called him over, helped him unwrap one toy, he'd get all excited and run away with it. The funny part was every time I called him over to unwrap another toy he didn't know what to do, he wanted to play with all the toys at once but his mouth just wasn't big enough to carry them, and he couldn't understand where all these great toys were coming from. He ended up laying down with all the toys around him, chewing on one and then another.
Well, I think that is all that is new with us over here.
Looks like Brady found a GREAT home!! That bed looks VERY comfy!! So happy for him.