The shelter contacted us for help as the kennels were full - and a shelter is no place for nursing puppies.
We pulled Sidney and her pups out of the shelter and placed them in a very temporary foster home. We even found a rescue to take them all as soon as they organized transport (the same rescue that stepped up for Kaleigh and her pups)! We were so thrilled!
Thankfully, an all-breed rescue stepped up for Sidney's puppies - but Sidney still needs a place to go.
Sadly, like most neglected adult dogs here - Sidney has tested positive for Heartworm disease. She really could use some doggie angels to help sponsor her treatment. Please help this mamma find her way to a better life.
Sidney is an absolutely gorgeous girl who appears to get along well with other dogs. She is a wonderful mamma to her puppies.
if you would like to sponsor Sidney (paypal button below), know of a rescue that would help Sidney, or are local and would like to foster Sidney through her heartworm treatment - please contact marionangels@yahoo.com.

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