Great news for sweet Chewy - who was featured last week on this Blog. Chewy was pulled from our local shelter when he was scheduled for euthanasia - However the volunteer who saved his life did so without having a place for Chewy to go...
Thank goodness our pleas for help were answered by a wonderful family who drove to Marion over the weekend to adopt Chewy. Not only did they leave with Chewy in tow - but they also saved ANOTHER Pittie named Bayou who was out of time at our local shelter.
These two pups have hit the jackpot as far as families go. We could not be happier for them! Below are some pictures of Chewy and Bayou with their new family and update from their dad.
We made it home safe and sound. We have finished the introductions and everyone is getting along great. Lots of butt sniffing, curiousity, and playing. We decided to rename Chewy to Bullet because he runs so fast and my son really really really wanted to rename Bayou, we allowed it and he chose Sniper to be the lil ones new name. I'll stay in touch from time to time with emails and pictures of everybody as they grow up. We enjoyed visiting with y'all. Please know all your animals are in our hearts and prayers. It pains my heart to know how many dogs are euthanized each month, I guess there must be a lot of dogs in heaven.
Jeremy, Leslie, Noah and Ethan

Bayou/Sniper gettin' some love

Chewy snuggling with his human:)

Chewy/Bullet and his new brothers
Paws of Marion are a wonderful rescue. They have a true heart for the love and placement of there animals. Please check into adopting or fostering through them. There are many pets that need a good home and a lot of love. Doing so can give you the best friend you ever had. We adopted Bullet and Sniper from them, and could not have asked for two better companions. These guys are very loving and listen well. Thank you for allowing us to adopt these guys and bring them in to our home as family members.
The DeLeo's