Monday, March 15, 2010


Sweet Carley came to us back in November as a small, black pup...being a black puppy in the South - she was overlooked for more colorful, fluffier puppies by local adopters.

After waiting for 4 months and her childhood in foster care - Carley finally caught a break! She caught the Freedom Train to Maine with 37 other lucky pups.

We just received word that Carley has found her forever home at last!

Here is the first update from her adoptive family:

We have arrived home and gave Carley the grand tour of her home. She has walked the whole perimeter of the outside and had no trouble doing her doggy business outside. In fact, she whimpered at the front door to let me know that she needed to go out so I took her out and she went to the bathroom. She likes the dog bed that my youngest picked our for her and he was happy to see that she liked. Traci

Thank you Traci and family for giving Carley the love and life that she deserves. We look forward to more updates!

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