Monday, June 7, 2010


We had some GREAT NEWS this week as one of our foster parents offered to take in Bruno - a sweet mixed breed pup who has been in boarding at our vet clinic for literally a year - waiting for someone to step up and help him.

His new foster mom, Terri, needs another dog like she needs a hole in the head, as she is already fostering multiple pups for us and has a pack of adopted rescues of her own to care for. We so appreciate her giving Bruno the chance he deserves to live inside a home as part of the family. We wish there were more people like Terri to step up and foster a dog in need - so that the load could be spread around a bit!

Terri reports that Bruno is a wonderful dog who gets along great with the other dogs and likes to snuggle with his humans! After all of this time - we are really hoping to find a special forever home for this sweet boy. He deserves it!
We believe every dog deserves a chance at a new beginning - but we are not going to be able to survive as a rescue if we have to board our dogs for a year at a time. It is not fair to the dog and not fair to other dogs who need our help. With the amount spent in Bruno's boarding fees for a year we could have treated 6 dogs for heartworm (of course - we treated Bruno for heartworm while he was in the vet clinic as well).

Please help us to pay off Bruno's boarding expenses ($2,513 not including his heartworm treatment!) by donating to our gigantic vet bill.

We know that helping pay off a vet bill is not as romantic as sponsoring a specific dog - but access to vet care is CRITICAL to our rescue efforts.

We receive no county, state, or federal funding to assist with our bills. We are dependent on those who share our mission and believe in what we do. We believe that every pet that enters our doors deserves love and care, regardless of their breed, age or physical condition.

We cannot do it without you!

Thank you for caring about our dogs.

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