Bayou - rescued from the Marion Shelter in 3/10
This blog is usually dedicated to the efforts of our rescue. Most of you tune in to read about our happy endings, recent intakes and requests for medical and financial assistance. We are not a legislative or political action focused organization. However, the topic of breed bans has now touched our community and has the possibility of negatively impacting our rescue efforts and endangering many of the dogs that come to our local shelter.
As a result, we ask that you bear with us through the next month - as the City of Marion is proposing a ban on Pit Bull Terriers - that could be potentially voted on and passed in the next City Council meeting on September 28. If passed this ordinance could result in the death of many wonderful dogs that have done nothing wrong other than to be abandoned, abused or neglected by irresponsible humans.
We have successfully rescued over 900 dogs since 2007 - many of which have been identified (correctly? incorrectly?) by someone (qualified? unqualified?) as Pit Bulls or Pit Bull mixes. All have gone onto wonderful adoptive homes and become positive additions to the communities that they live in.
If you think this type of ban will only impact Marion, AR or Pit Bull Terriers - think again. If Pit Bull Terriers are not an allowed "breed" - the irresponsible humans that own them, breed them and create dangerous dogs - will move onto a different breed. Then new breed bans will follow. Where does it end?
This ban WILL NOT impact the people who train dogs to fight, people who do not socialize or confine their dogs properly, or who let intact dogs roam, etc.
This ordinance WILL impact: the dogs that need our help, the finances of the City of Marion and the already stretched resources of the Marion Animal Shelter staff and facility.
Additionally, once a breed ban passes in one community - neighboring communities tend to follow suit. This is an issue that effects all responsible dog owners.
Over the next month we will be writing about different aspects of this controversial issue - in an effort to educate the public and hopefully convince the Marion City Council members that this is not an effective solution to the problems of dog bites and dog fighting in this community.

Chewy - adopted from the Marion Shelter 3/10
Write a letter, make a phone call, send an email to Mayor Frank Fogleman and the other City Council members. Have you adopted a Pit Bull/mix from us? Be sure to include pictures and share the happiness that your Pit Bull Terrier brings to your life every day.
Attend the next City Council Meeting - make sure your opinion is known.
Share this story with everyone you know. This is an issue that affects all dog lovers - not just the Pit Bull lovers in Marion, AR. Today it may be Marion and Pit Bull Terriers - tomorrow your town and Doberman Pinchers or German Shepherds or Chows Chows or ...
Go to the shelter and save a Pit Bull's life!
As always - thank you for caring about our dogs!
You can make a difference in a dog's life!
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