Momma dog - Penelope
We recently answered yet another call for help - despite being overloaded with puppies and flat broke. Something needs to give - as we are too small a rescue to continue to intake at this pace. We are starting to panic. It is hard to say "no" though to helping a momma dog and her pups - especially when their lives are in imminent danger.
We rescued this momma dog (Penelope) and her two puppies (Petunia and Pugsly - you can guess which is which!) from the median on the interstate. What a great mother Penelope is! She has cared for her pups under the most dire of circumstances, ignoring her own health and well being. Please help us to reward her effort.
We took the whole family to the vet last week which revealed that these pups have had it really rough for a long time.
Penelope's back leg is been broken and it has started to heal on its own due to the amount of time that has passed since the break. The vet said to give her a couple a months and then we will see if she needs surgery to fix it. Penelope also tested positive for heartworm and anaplasmosis (tick borne disease treated with antibiotics). Her her eyes are swollen and runny to due to her skin condition that she has had for a while.
The puppies - Pugsly and Petunia have a secondary infection from their skin condition, which they have also had for quite a while, so they are on antibiotics to treat the infection. Additionally - all three are being treated for their skin condition.
So with all that being said is there anyone out there who is willing to give this sweet and deserving family and indoor foster home or donate to their care?
Penelope and pups are currently living outside due to lack of indoor fosters.
Their initial vet bill was $400 and we still have a long way to go to bring them back to health (Heartworm treatment for the momma - $300 - $350, vaccines, spays/neuters and possible leg surgery for Penelope.)
We do not receive any public funding or municipal support. We rely 100% on private donations from our dog-loving friends. Without your support - we will not be able to continue to help these dogs that live outside of Marion City limits - which will leave these dogs with no options at all.
Please chip in to help this wonderful family start a new life!! Even $5.00 helps!
If you are unable to help financially - please consider fostering.
Fostering is free and saves lives!



Pup - Petunia


Pugsly (should have been named Pudgy!)


Pugsly & Petunia
Thank you for caring about our pups!
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