Thursday, May 27, 2010


Sidney & Rex - on their way at last!

Thursday is here again - which means it is....TRANSPORT DAY!

We had TEN true survivors head off to their new lives today via PETS transport. All of the dogs leaving were longterm residents that survived a wide range of medical challenges.

Sidney and Rex (pictured above) survived heartworm treatment. Rex was so malnourished and sicky when he arrived that we were worried that he would not make it through - but as you can see...he did with flying colors. Sidney had to finish nursing her litter of puppies before she could be treated...what a trooper!

The "A" puppies - Abby, Allen, Angela and Anna have been with us since they were a few weeks old. They have survived BOTH Distemper and Parvo - and have essentially grown up in foster care. Sadly - several of their sibblings were too sick to recover.

The "L" puppies - Lacy, Landry, Leslie and Lily also are Parvo survivors.

These dogs are true miracles - they refused to give up on the hope that a better life was around the corner.
All ten dogs were nursed back to health and fostered by die-hard PAWS volunteers, Lisa and Leanne. You guys rock.








It cost over $3,000 in vet expenses to save these 10 pups - PLEASE help us to continue to save the ones that cannot help themselves -- donate today! sponsor a dog! or open your home to a foster dog!

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